Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The unjust lottey.

The small town of 300 in "The Lottery'' at first glance seems like no other. As you look closer though you may find horrible acts of violence that you would never think these people are capable of committing. Yet as soon as they are picked to be stoned to death they dispute the entire logic of the lottery. This is a vicious cycle that keeps on reoccurring as the kids are raised in the concept that this is a normal way of life. This is the same concept as in the book "Plesantville" where the kids of the future are raised that a utopia can be achieved. Even though it is far from a perfect society the imperfections are just covered up and people who do not resemble the required traits are terminated at birth. In both these situations everyone who is not effected by the common law some how puts the people that are unlucky in a separate category in their brain as people that are different then them. Though in reality these people are no different. In both of these works of literature there is a common flaw in which the people are accustom to violence.

The perils of indifference

Everyone is no different yet some people are discriminated against yet the majority off the people do not act to stop the violence.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ignorance is bliss.

If you don't know about anything then there would be no worries. So it seems that the more educated you are the more troubles that you will have. But on the other hand just because you have no worries does not mean that these problems do not exists. So if you are an educated person how do you deal with these problems? How do you choose which problems to ignore and which to focus on? As a society are we able to sit down and enjoy a McDonald's hamburger knowing how that food has been has been processed in a way that defies everything you believe in. For that moment that you are eating that hamburger do you forget about it or do you choose not to eat there. These are questions that are not brought to our attention enough. Or maybe we are aware about these problems but choose not to confront them because we don't realize the seriousness of these situations.