Thursday, February 21, 2008

What I want to write about!!

Personally I would like to write about random creative topics. I would also like to have the topics left more open ended so you dont feel like you are writing something that someone else has has already written about. The super power paragragh was exactly what I was looking for. I find that if the topic is creative it insipires me to come up with somthing new and original. My opinion on this topic today is that it is very bland and not intreging what so ever. I would rather write about who would win in a fight Batman or Superman! My views on how this should be marked is on a compleation mark and a creativity mark.


David said...

Congradulations!!! You have made a paragraph! Here, have a cookie. Good ideas for those super sweet topics because they are super interesting. However I believe it is spelt completion, without an "a". I'm not trying to throw beaks at you, I'm just pointing out the obvious, or "ubveous" in your words.

Chris Kapusty said...

Byron... PROOF READ bud. you put "has has" in there. Cmon man. It's obvious you have writing issues.